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iSWAB patented technology utilizes a tube insert which allows for collecting/concentrating sample into a single tube, while also removing the need to soak/rock samples with the used swab. iSWAB provides transport, stabilization, and long-term storage all at room temperature.

iSWAB-DNA-1200, iSWAB-DNA-250, iSWAB-DNA-DSC all function the same, with the only differences being the volume of the buffer included, number of swabs used, and total DNA yield.

Any sterile swab is compatible as long as the head size is ≤ 4.3 mm in diameter. The swab material can be cotton, rayon, Dacron, nylon fibers, or flocked swabs. If you want extra swabs like the ones that came with the kit, then you can order them directly through us.

We recommend using 200-300 μL pipette tips as larger tip sizes do not fit past the tube inserts.

iSWAB automated liquid handling compatible platforms:

  • Perkin Elmer chemagic MSM 1
  • Qiagen QIASymphony (Custom method # B400_CR21913, Contact Qiagen Apps team), QIAcube, EZ1
  • Beckman Coulter Biomek
  • Hamilton Microlab Star, Hamilton Microlab Nimbus
  • Tecan Freedom Evo
  • Promega Maxwell RSC or RSC 48
  • Autogen

The proprietary iSWAB buffer is non-toxic and does not contain any alcohols, organic/inorganic solvents, chaotropic agents, or any guanidine/guanidine-like salts.

  • If iSWAB buffer is absent of a biological sample, we recommend diluting the buffer with water equal to 3x the volume and then pouring down a drain.
  • However, if iSWAB buffer contains any type of biological sample, this should be treated as potentially hazardous. We recommend destroying the sample with 10% bleach (for 20 minutes), then pouring down a drain with copious amounts of water.

The shelf life of unused products is 3 years for DNA products and 18 months for others from date of manufacture. All products are built-to-order, so each shipment will have the longest possible shelf life.

Yes, iSWAB-Respiratory Tract Sample Collection Media-EL (iSWAB-RC-EL) is FDA 501(k) Cleared and approved for IVD. 510(k) Number: K221802

iSWAB-RC-EL is an extraction-less medical device and samples can be used directly into PCR/QPCR or similar molecular downstream applications for respiratory tract infections. There is no need to extract nucleic acids; however, in rare cases a slight dilution or short pre-heat of the sample may be necessary to prevent assay inhibition.

The following assays are compatible with iSWAB-RC-EL:

  • Bio-Rad Reliance SARs CoV-2 RT Assays Kit, Cat. #12014115
  • Prime Discoveries: Prime COVID-19 Extraction Less High Throughput LAMP Assay Kit
  • SeqOnce Bio AzureSeq Direct One Step Universal RT -qPCR Kit SARS CoV-2
  • 3CR Bio: ProbeSure COVID-19 One Step RT-PCR Kit
  • Takara: One Step PrimeScript III RT-PCR Kit
  • BGI: 2019-nCov Real-Time Fluorescent RT-PCR Kit

No, a pre-draw is not required before collecting into HemaSure-OMICs tubes. You may collect blood with HemaSure-OMICs tubes in any draw order.

A single HemaSure-OMICs blood tube is suitable for DNA, RNA, and cfDNA isolation. One tube – three analytes.

Yes, Mawi DNA Technologies is ISO 13485 certified.

All Mawi DNA products can be transported and stored at room temperature. No need for dry ice or refrigeration.

Yes, we can offer a few free samples for validation or for customers wanting to validate Mawi DNA products in exchange for the data they produce.